Welcome to Technical/Publication Department

The Praise Chapel technical department deals with all audio-visuals of the church.

Some of our activities include

    Installation of musical hardware and as well software components as at when needed.
    Proper handling of the sound mixer to ward off any form of interference during service
    Proper Video presentation for on-screen view during service
    Editing of sermon videos after service

Our Mission Statement

To ensure all technical related items ranging from audios to visuals are up to speed during service.

Gathering Days, Time & Location

As decided by the team members.

What we do

We capture all activities during the service which include Choir ministration, Sermons, Praise and Worship on audio cds.
Every sermon is recorded and uploaded to the church’s youtube channel.
We make it a point of duty to constantly update the church’s website with relevant contents.

What to expect from us

Quality Audio-Visual Presentation during services.

Up-to-date website and blog content.

Who can join

People with flair for excellence and perfection.

People with a knack for technology.

How to join

Please feel free to stroll to the technical department at the back of the Church after Service.